Not Just A Support Group

The most recent meeting of the Peachland Wellness Centre’s Shaken But Not Stirred Parkinson’s (PD) support group featured a presentation by a professional in physical therapy. The exercises demonstrated were manageable, specific to the PD needs for balance and strength, and impactful for the control of PD symptoms. For PD, ‘Movement is Medicine’, but that is only one focus of this active group.
Over the past months, meetings with professionals in nutrition, medicine, movement disorders, and others has created a team of Peachland professionals that offer their professional training to support our group efforts. The goal of this team is to make life with PD as healthy, comfortable, and rewarding as possible. You may have been Shaken by your PD diagnosis, but there is no need to let PD Stir up your life.
For more information call the Peachland Wellness Centre at 250-767-0141.