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PWC Services

The Peachland Wellness Centre (PWC) helps those in need in our community to live safely and independently by providing essential, non-medical support services.


Potential participants for services are based on individual needs. Contact one of our Service Coordinators at (250)767-0141 to make an appointment for an assessment.


Our support services are not designed to replace any medical or health professional services.

Our Services
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Adult Day Service (ADS)

Mondays and Thursdays 9:00 am - 3:00 pm,

Peachland Wellness Centre- BY APPOINTMENT

ADS is funded by the Interior Health Authority, and provides older adults with physical frailties or cognitive challenges an opportunity to socialize, be active and have fun in a safe and caring environment. The day's activities are led by trained, professional and caring Staff who provide activities and ensure everyone has a fun-filled day. Learn more

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Bereavement Support Group

Starting Monday March 21, 2025

*Please call to register 250-767-0141
at the Little School House
1898 Brandon Lane

This group or one on one, through compassionate understanding and thoughtful active listening, is here to help you work through the process of grieving. We don't define ourselves as a "therapy group" but rather encourage participation at whatever level people feel is appropriate for them; it is never intrusive. The support group or one on one is facilitated by experienced volunteers who generally have a professional background in one of the human services professions and experience in group facilitation or one-on-one support. Learn more


Better at Home (BAH)

Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm,

Peachland Wellness Centre - BY APPOINTMENT

These basket of services funded by the United Way of the Lower Mainland, helps older adults to continue to live independently in their own homes by providing simple, financial and non-medical home support services including light housekeeping, yard work, minor home repairs, friendly visits, snow removal and transportation. Learn more

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Friendly Visitor/Caller

Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm,

Peachland Wellness Centre - BY APPOINTMENT

Individuals who are isolated or in need of more social interaction are visited or called weekly by one of the PWC Service Coordinators or trained Volunteers. The visitors/callers are cheerful and supportive for the needs and likes of the clients building trust and respect. All information is with the utmost confidentiality. Learn more

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Grocery Shopping/pick-up

Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm,

Peachland Wellness Centre - BY APPOINTMENT

Our dependable and thoroughly screened volunteers use their own vehicles to pick up and deliver groceries that have been pre-ordered by the participant. Learn more

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Information & Referrals

Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm,

Peachland Wellness Centre - BY APPOINTMENT

PWC has a resource library available for members of the Peachland community, including contact information for various services and social agencies. We link callers and drop-in visitors to the appropriate organization based on the individual's request and needs. Learn more

Smart Phone Call


Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm,

Peachland Wellness Centre - BY APPOINTMENT

This service connects people with a PWC Service Coordinator for plan assessment in helping with immediate or long-term needs. Support may include information, referral or registration in PWC Programs or other Services. The goal is to help people remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible. Learn more


Parkinson's Support Group

The 2nd Tuesday of each month 10:00am - 11:00am

 at the Little School House 1898 Brandon Lane

Parkinson's Support Group "Shaken but not Stirred" meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 10:00am - 11:00am at Heritage Park during the Summer months and at the Little School House during fall and winter. We are here to provide a safe, comfortable place for people to connect and share with each other how to live well with Parkinson's. 

Learn more

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Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm,

Peachland Wellness Centre - BY APPOINTMENT

Our dependable and thoroughly screened volunteers use their own vehicles to provide transportation services to and from medical appointments and other important places you need to be. Riders are asked to contact the PWC Office at least 48 hours before transportation is required to make arrangements. Learn more

Adult Day Service (ADS)
Better at Home
Friendly Visitor/Caller
Helping Hands
Information & Referrals
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