Community Celebration Dinners
Community Celebration Dinners (Easter,Thanksgiving & Christmas) are offered FREE to Peachland residents who would be spending the holiday alone, are new to Peachland or who are not able to prepare a dinner for themselves because of health or financial constraints.
Thanks to the incredible generosity of individuals and local business, PWC and other local non-profit organizations come together to host FREE celebration dinners throughout the year. No one should be alone for these special days.
The location for the events and the specific timing will be recorded on our website and on social media platforms, Instagram and of course Facebook. We will be sure our newsletter keeps you in the loop.

The Peachland Wellness Centre is very excited and grateful to Henk Ruevekamp and Susan Haglund for the very generous donation to host this event.

This is a very popular event. If you are new to town or not able to prepare a special dinner because of health or financial reasons we are ready to host you at this annual special day.

Every December, in partnership with the 50 plus seniors activity centre, PWC hosts the Community Christmas Dinner at the 50+ seniors Activity Centre. We will be advertising on our website and in our newsletter so you don't miss out.